⭐️ No updates!

March 31, 2021

Due to personal reasons won’t be able to work on anything today as well. Gotta prioritize life stuff 👋🏻

⭐️ Day off

March 30, 2021

Keeping up the pace sounds easy when you’re able to focus on the task on hand full time. Part time? Realllyyyyyy difficult. I realize this as I feel a little burnout. So I think I’m going to take today off from studying and refocus.

May be watch the LOTR triolgy 🍿 Catch ya later!

⭐️ Almost there? 🥲

March 29, 2021

While it feels like an eternity, it really does make a difference when you go and learn basics first. Almost ready to start experimenting with Elixir.

I didn’t get a chance to pickup the pace. So I only able to review Binaries and Date & Time modules. While they’re fun to play with, I’ll only be able evaluate it once I get to implementation.

As always, you can find the notes on GitHub. I really feel that I wouldn’t be making such progress without the book. Cannot recommend it enough.

⭐️ And then Sunday happened.

March 28, 2021

Oh man, I understand now how my students would feel studying on a sunday. I did manage to get a little productive for the sake of it and wrapped up Lists and Maps.

So similar but so different compared to Arrays and Hashes (Objects in JS). I like ‘em. On to the Binaries we go!

⭐️ More Basics… More Fun.. ish..

March 27, 2021

Studying on a saturday doesn’t feel quite right. But I did wrap up Value Types. Learning about System Types was a walk down memory lane. Reminded me of all the code I wrote for multi-threaded apps in C++ during one of my master’s degree classes.

Collection Types in elixir are just a tad different than what I was anticipating. But the weekend vibes aren’t going to go away easily. Hopefully I can resume tomorrow starting with learning about Lists.

Notes are still upto date on main branch if you want ‘em 🤘🏻

⭐️ Elixir Basics

March 26, 2021

Vaccine day hit really hard. Didn’t really get much done today. Went over some elixir basics. Started by learning about overall Built In Types. Followed by diving deeper into Value Types subcategory.

Prepared some good notes on Integers, Atoms, Ranges and RegEx. Good stuff.

1. Intro
2. Conventional Programming
3. Immutability
4. Elixir Basics

⭐️ Change isn’t always good 🤔

March 25, 2021

“Sometimes changing things is a terrible mistake.”


When it comes to functional programming, the statement firmly holds true. Writing code for processes that run parallel to each other and making sure that they don’t mess up the data and synchronization is where elixir really shines.

Today I went over Immutability and how it simplifies things for us. Learning about immutability also explained how deep the idea of Data Transformation is rooted in elixir. In addition to all of this, I also went over how immutability affects the efficiency! 🤯

As always, you can find the notes in the table below!

1. Intro
2. Conventional Programming
3. Immutability

Next up, Some more elixir basics! 👻

⭐️ Getting the website up

March 24, 2021

Today I didn’t really get a chance to work on new concepts. Kind of a busy day. Instead, I dedicated some time on getting this page up so that I can blog about the chapters that I go through easily and present it in a prettier format. Kudos to GitHub for building tools such as GitHub Pages which made it really easy to get this page up.

Still going to be using markdown to write these blogs. But atleast they’re going to look prettier than the usual .md previews.

⭐️ The = sign isn’t the = sign anymore! More or less.

March 23, 2021

Well, well, well. Remember when we used the = sign to store values into / assign variables? If you don’t, you’re going to do just fine in elixir. Turns out, pattern matching is a big deal. The = sign, formally known as assignment operator doesn’t do assignment no more.

In elixir, = sign is known as match operator. And instead of assignment, it’s all about inference now. Very interesting! I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. If you want to look at my notes and the exercises, you can find the link in the table below. In this section, I also learned some rules of pattern matching.

1. Intro
2. Conventional Programming

⭐️ IO.puts “Hello World ☀️”

March 22, 2021

I wanted 2021 to be a lot different than 2020. So I decided that I’m going to try and experiment with as many languages & platforms as I can. It is definitely going to be an interesting journey and for no specific reason, I’m going to document all of it 🤔 I’m going to try and do everything by the books (cuz I miss reading books!) 📚 I’ll be referring to Programming Elixir 1.6 for the most part.

Today, I didn’t really get a chance to go over a lot of stuff. Just the Setup & some Intro. Coming straight from JS, Functional programming isn’t new to me. Here’s a list of few things that I’ve observed so far!

Can’t wait to take a deeper dive! 🤓

1. Intro

🙏🏻 References